Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diabetic Type 1 Website - A Struggle of Emotions

Tonight was a night I wish I never had to do - help someone build a website and blog to bring awareness to Type 1 Diabetes.  It's not that I wouldn't want to help; It's that I wish a disease like  Diabetes never existed.  I cried last night after talking to the mom on the phone, and I want to cry again now.

We all have our own problems and/or issues that we have to deal with. But, dealing with a child with Type 1 Diabetes would be like taking on a whole war with only a small selection of family and friends. And still at the end of the day, you are on your own. There is no down time. There is no sleep time. There is no "normal time". Having a child with diabetes is a world I will never totally know and/or understand.

I'm touched deeply to have met with this mother and child.

I wish she wouldn't pay me for my services. I wish I could do more than a website. I wish there was a cure. I wish it never existed. This is when I don't like building websites, but it's also a time when I'm solemnly happy to help bring awareness to something life changing.

The stories she told me tonight will harbor within me for a very long time.  This website will contain some of those stories along with accomplishments, achievements, and goals of people and families dealing with Type 1 Diabetes.

I hope within the few weeks it will be done and we can post it on the Internet. Please stay tuned…

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