Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 C's in Design

     Today, I was leading a group of 10 in an activity that required team work. This group was all about creativity, but lacked communication and common sense. As I stood back and watched them interact with each other, I couldn't help but see how this strongly relates to design. I see so many people wanting to be creative in their websites and blogs, that they forget about 2 other important c's - communication and common sense.  Even before design takes place, you need to ask yourself what you want to communicate. If you don't have anything to say, then you have no design. After you narrow down your thoughts of what you want to say, then you can use your creativity and start to design something.   
But, hold on....keep in mind your message... don't get distracted by trying to say too much. Just like the group trying to work together, too much information was being yelled out which made it very difficult to hear anything. You don't want to give out too much to the viewer so that they will tune you out and give up on your design or website in frustration because of information overload.
     The other "c" in design I like to include is common sense. You would think that common sense is so....common sense. But many people forget to use it. I think the reason people forget to use it is due to their excitement to creativity. Creativity can bring out a lot of energy and motivation that causes one to forget some basic rules. The group I was leading around was full of excitement and ready to think outside the box, only because they knew they would have to be creative in their actions inorder to accomplish some difficult tasks. However, their excitement caused them to forget some important common sense. So, as you strive to work outside the box while trying to communicate your message, stay grounded and don't forget to use some common sense and follow some basic rules of design:  Color, Contrast, Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm and Pattern.

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